Martes, Hulyo 12, 2011

"Egelloc Stneduts Acquaintance party" Good day every one specially to all the egelloc stneduts, last friday(07/08/11 HERCOR College celebrated it's Grand Acquaintance Party at the Villareal Stadium.......
                                At first,when we entered at the stadium we were very excited co'z tonight we gonna witness the showdown of all selected students representing their department......
                                When the competition started many of the egelloc stneduts are shouting out their excitement,specially when their supported department performed at the stadium...I am a computer science student therefore, we supported the representatives of the computer education department..
                                 At the end, the result of the dance competition was announced.And the computer education egelloc stneduts  were very happy,for our representatives for the said competition wins first place,and this makes us proud to be a part of this department.

Huwebes, Hulyo 7, 2011

"Egelloc Stneduts FrieNd'z"

franksolibio.blogspot.comToday is Thursday and there will be more vacant times to bond with the egelloc stneduts friends,we have all in all three(3) hours to be together and spend our times in talking and laughing with the latest and past events that happened in our experiences of being an egelloc stneduts at HERCOR College.I posted a poem below to share what is a "FRIEND".............



                                                                                                                                                                Friends share
ice creams and comics and potato chips,
wishbones and gums and camping trips,
monopoly games and each other's clothes
but most of all secrets that no one else knows
like being afraid of the dentists chair,
or arriving home when no ones there;
like being scared when the teacher yells,
or being caught out when somebody tells;
like wanting to cry when the story is sad,
or words you whisper when really mad.
friends share
all this things and hundreds more,
That's what they're for..